Hi My name is Jessica. I am a petite 5ft blonde, with curves. My hair is short, my eyes are brown and I am average build. I am very open-minded, love to be spanked and very adventurous! I would love you to tell me about your naughty adventures and I will tell you mine. So put in agent number 7155 and come and tell me what u like and want to get up to.
Give Jessica a call now on 0909 860 8888 and enter pin 7225
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Calls to 0909 860 8888 cost 36p/minute plus your network access charge. 18+. Bill payers only. We may send free promotional messages. To opt-out call 0161 607 3017 (privacy)
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Latest Comments About Jessica
5 days ago
Hi Martin, lol. I know what you meant, lol. Thank you again, but it was lovely, though 😊 xx
5 days ago
Thanks for the lovely chat Jessica. We got there in the end after a little undressing, dressing, undressing. It was all worth waiting for. Martin x
2 weeks ago
So why don't you give me a call then darling
2 weeks ago
I like to wank over your photos
2 weeks ago
I just want to say thank you to the Gentleman who left me at beautiful message thank you so xx
2 weeks ago
Jessica is so natural and positive and supportive that it is really easy to relax with her and just let everything happen. And you can be sure that she will make it good for you when it does happen too! She is a lovely lovely woman. Talk to her and s
2 weeks ago
Lovely to speak again Jessica. We seem to be very comfortable together - and as you no doubt heard, very nice things happen when you are around… Martin. XX
3 weeks ago
Thank you Martin for your message can't to Catch up with you. X
3 weeks ago
Thank you darling for your message and next time you message can you please leave your name. Darling.
3 weeks ago
Hi Jessica darling. Thank goodness you are back. It’s been getting urgent. I will catch up with you as soon as I can. Martin. X